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春の旭岳 春には、雪解けと共に山肌に様々な高山植物が顔を出します。特にエゾエンゴサクヒメイチゲなどの花が咲き乱れる光景は圧巻です。 夏の旭岳 夏になると、登山やハイキングのベストシーズンが到来します。青空の下で見る旭岳の頂上からのパノラマビューは、言葉にできないほどの感動を与えてくれます。 秋の旭岳 秋の紅葉シーズンには、山全体が赤や黄色に染まり、まるで絵画のような美しさを楽しむことができます。特に、ロープウェイから見る紅葉のパノラマビューは見逃せません。 冬の旭岳 冬になると、旭岳はスキーやスノーボードのメッカとなります。パウダースノーの中を滑る爽快感は、他では味わえない特別な体験です。















The Charm of Mount Asahi and Its Secrets as a Power Spot


Japan's northern land, Hokkaido, is known as a treasure trove of nature. Among them, Mount Asahi (Asahi-dake) stands out. Boasting an elevation of 2,291 meters, this mountain is the highest peak in the Daisetsuzan range and offers beautiful scenery throughout the four seasons. This time, we will thoroughly explain why Mount Asahi is also popular as a power spot and its charm.

Basic Information and Access to Mount Asahi

Mount Asahi is located in central Hokkaido, about 30 kilometers from Asahikawa City. Access is mainly by car or bus, and you can easily reach the trailhead using a ropeway from Asahidake Onsen. The ropeway operates year-round, allowing you to enjoy hiking and climbing in the summer and skiing and snowboarding in the winter.

Seasonal Charm of Mount Asahi

Spring at Mount Asahi In spring, with the melting snow, various alpine plants emerge on the mountainside. The sight of flowers such as Ezoengosaku and Himeichige blooming in profusion is breathtaking. Summer at Mount Asahi In summer, the best season for climbing and hiking arrives. The panoramic view from the top of Mount Asahi under the blue sky provides an indescribable sense of awe. Autumn at Mount Asahi During the autumn foliage season, the entire mountain is dyed in red and yellow, offering a picturesque beauty. Especially, the panoramic view of the autumn leaves from the ropeway is not to be missed. Winter at Mount Asahi In winter, Mount Asahi becomes a mecca for skiing and snowboarding. The exhilaration of skiing through powder snow is a unique experience that cannot be found elsewhere.

Reasons Why Mount Asahi is Considered a Power Spot

Mount Asahi is loved by many not only for its beautiful nature but also as a power spot. This is because it has been regarded as sacred since ancient times. At the summit, there is "Asahidake Shrine," where climbers pray for safety and make wishes. Additionally, the unique energy of the entire mountain is said to heal and refresh people's minds and bodies.

Relaxation at Asahidake Onsen

There are many hot spring areas around Mount Asahi. Especially, Asahidake Onsen is perfect for relieving the fatigue of climbing and hiking. The sulfur spring water makes your skin smooth and warms your body from the core. Enjoying the hot springs while admiring the seasonal nature is a great opportunity to refresh both mind and body.

Activities at Mount Asahi

Mount Asahi offers numerous activities for nature lovers and adventurers. In summer, you can enjoy trekking and camping, and in winter, skiing and snowboarding. Additionally, observing wildlife and alpine plants is also popular. Especially, the sunrise view from the summit of Mount Asahi is a must-see at least once in a lifetime.

History and Culture of Mount Asahi

The history of Mount Asahi is ancient, and it was called "Kamui Mintara (Garden of the Gods)" by the Ainu people. Many legends and myths remain in this area, and the mountain itself has been revered as a sacred place. Even today, many people visit this place, feeling the energy of nature and touching its history and culture.

Surrounding Tourist Spots of Mount Asahi

When visiting Mount Asahi, be sure to also visit the surrounding tourist spots. For example, Asahiyama Zoo in Asahikawa City, the Blue Pond in Biei, and the lavender fields in Furano. These spots, combined with Mount Asahi, enhance the appeal of your trip even further.

Precautions When Visiting Mount Asahi

When visiting Mount Asahi, there are several precautions to take. First, the weather can change quickly, so be careful with your equipment and clothing. Also, when climbing or hiking, do not neglect to check the course in advance and manage your physical condition. Especially in winter, avalanche and cold weather precautions are essential.


Mount Asahi not only allows you to experience the beauty of Hokkaido's nature but is also loved by many as a power spot. Its seasonal landscapes, history and culture, and abundant activities provide deep emotions and healing to visitors. Please visit Mount Asahi and experience its charm firsthand.