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Fusion of Scenic Beauty and Power Spots: Exploring the Charms of Irabu Ohashi


Irabu Ohashi, which connects Miyako Island and Irabu Island in Okinawa Prefecture, is known as the longest free bridge in Japan, spanning 3,540 meters. This bridge is not just a means of transportation, but it is loved by many tourists for its scenic beauty and its status as a power spot. In this article, we will delve into the charms of Irabu Ohashi, from its history and structure to tourist spots and recommended surrounding spots.

History and Background of the Construction of Irabu Ohashi

Irabu Ohashi was opened on January 31, 2015. The construction of this bridge was a long-held dream aimed at improving the transportation convenience between the islands. Overlooking the beautiful sea of Okinawa, this bridge not only aims to revitalize the regional economy but also provides new attractions for tourists.

Structure and Features of Irabu Ohashi

Irabu Ohashi has a total length of 3,540 meters and consists of 43 piers. The bridge's design incorporates the latest technology to withstand strong winds and earthquakes. Additionally, the design of the bridge features a beautiful arch, and it is illuminated at night to create a magical landscape.

Scenic Points: Views from Irabu Ohashi

Crossing Irabu Ohashi offers breathtaking views of the emerald green sea and, on clear days, the distant mountains of Miyako Island. Especially at sunset, the sky and sea turn orange, creating a stunning beauty that takes one's breath away. This view will become an unforgettable memory for visitors.

Irabu Ohashi as a Power Spot

Irabu Ohashi is not only beautiful but also noted as a power spot. Walking on the bridge, one can feel the pleasant breeze and the energy of nature. This place is ideal for relieving daily stress and refreshing both mind and body.

Access and Transportation

Access to Irabu Ohashi is about 20 minutes by car from Miyako Airport. While it is common to use a rental car, buses and taxis are also available. When crossing the bridge, it is recommended to drive slowly to enjoy the view from the car window.

There are many tourist spots around Irabu Ohashi. For example, Toguchi Beach on Irabu Island is a beautiful beach with white sand and clear water. Additionally, Higashi-Hennazaki on Miyako Island is a popular spot among tourists, offering a splendid view from the lighthouse.

Precautions When Visiting Irabu Ohashi

When visiting Irabu Ohashi, it is important to pay attention to the weather. Particularly during typhoon season or on windy days, it is necessary to ensure safety when crossing the bridge. Additionally, parking and stopping on the bridge are prohibited, so photo opportunities should be taken at designated parking areas.

How to Enjoy Irabu Ohashi

When visiting Irabu Ohashi, one can enjoy not only crossing the bridge but also the surrounding nature and tourist spots. For example, one can enjoy marine activities such as snorkeling and diving or savor local gourmet food.

Near Irabu Ohashi, there are beautiful beaches and tourist spots. For example, Sawada Beach offers a stunning view with its white sand and blue sea. Additionally, Ikema Island is perfect for snorkeling and diving, with its beautiful coral reefs and clear waters.


Irabu Ohashi is loved by many tourists for its beautiful scenery and its charm as a power spot. Visiting this bridge allows one to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and refresh both mind and body. Furthermore, the surrounding tourist spots and activities are abundant, making it an unforgettable experience. Be sure to add Irabu Ohashi to your next travel destination.