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Thorough Explanation of Amami Oshima's Charms! Attractions as a Power Spot and Tourist Guide


Amami Oshima, located in the south of Japan, is a beautiful island known for its rich nature and unique culture. As it gains popularity as a tourist destination, Amami Oshima is also drawing attention as a power spot. In this article, we will fully introduce the charms of Amami Oshima and explain why it is worth visiting.

Overview of Amami Oshima

Amami Oshima belongs to Kagoshima Prefecture and is located between the main island of Okinawa and the mainland of Kyushu. It is characterized by its subtropical climate, which remains warm throughout the year. The entire island is surrounded by beautiful nature, including precious ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangrove forests.

History and Culture

The history of Amami Oshima is ancient, with people believed to have lived there since the Jomon period. Influenced by the Ryukyu Kingdom and the Satsuma Domain, it has developed its own unique culture. Traditional dances, music, and crafts are still cherished today and are a major attraction for tourists.

The Beauty of Nature

The natural beauty of Amami Oshima captivates visitors. The clear sea, expansive beaches, and mystical mangrove forests create breathtaking landscapes. The sea around Amami Oshima is particularly ideal for diving and snorkeling, where you can see beautiful coral reefs and a wide variety of marine life.

Attractions as a Power Spot

Amami Oshima has long been known as a power spot, attracting many people seeking healing and energy. Places like the mystical "Kinsakubaru Virgin Forest" and the "Forest of the Amami Rabbit" are scattered across the island, where visitors feel their mind and body purified just by being there.

Tourist Spot Introduction

Amami Oshima has many tourist spots. For example, "Ohama Seaside Park" is a popular spot with beautiful beaches, ideal for families. At "Amami Park," visitors can learn about the island's history and culture, making it well worth a visit. Additionally, at "Kuroshio no Mori Mangrove Park," you can enjoy the mangrove forest through canoeing experiences.

Gourmet Information

You can't miss the gourmet delights of Amami Oshima. The island offers a variety of dishes using unique local ingredients, with "keihan" (chicken rice) and "kokuto shochu" (brown sugar shochu) being particularly popular. The dishes, rich with local ingredients, leave a lasting impression on visitors. There are many restaurants and cafes on the island where you can savor the local flavors.

Access Methods

The common ways to access Amami Oshima are by plane or ferry. There are direct flights from Kagoshima Airport and Naha Airport, making it convenient to visit. For getting around the island, rental cars and buses are available, making it easy to tour the various attractions.

Amami Oshima offers a wide range of accommodations, including resort hotels, guesthouses, and inns. Particularly, resort hotels along the coast provide a luxurious experience with beautiful views. If you want to enjoy interaction with locals, staying at a traditional inn is also recommended.

There are many attractive spots near Amami Oshima. For example, Kakeromajima, accessible by ferry from Amami Oshima, is a quiet island with beautiful beaches and nature. Tokunoshima is also recommended, offering rich nature and unique culture. Visiting these islands can make your trip even more fulfilling.


Amami Oshima is a wonderful island full of beautiful nature, rich culture, and attractions as a power spot. It provides healing and inspiration to visitors, so be sure to visit at least once. Enjoying the charms of Amami Oshima to the fullest will refresh both your mind and body.