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Title: Exploring Chikyu Misaki in Muroran - A Journey to Hokkaido's Scenic Power Spot


Located in Muroran City, Hokkaido, Chikyu Misaki is beloved by many tourists and locals alike for its beautiful scenery and mystical atmosphere. This article aims to introduce the charm of Chikyu Misaki in full, hoping to convey its magnificence. We explore why Chikyu Misaki is considered a power spot and provide information that will make you want to visit.

What is the Scenic Chikyu Misaki?

Chikyu Misaki features a magnificent panoramic view from the cliffs facing the Pacific Ocean. On clear days, the horizon appears round, which is why it was named "Chikyu Misaki" (Earth Cape). The view is breathtakingly beautiful, providing an emotional experience for visitors. The scenery bathed in the morning or evening sun is certainly worth seeing.

The History and Origin of Chikyu Misaki

The name of Chikyu Misaki originates from its unique topography and scenery, known as a place where the Earth looks round. It has also been used as a navigational landmark by fishermen for ages. The historical background of this place adds an interesting point for visitors.

The Appeal of Chikyu Misaki as a Power Spot

Chikyu Misaki is known as a place where one can feel the energy of nature. The strong winds and the vastness of the sea allow visitors to feel the strength of the Earth and refresh both mind and body. It is a power spot that energizes those who visit.

Access and Surrounding Information

The most convenient way to access Chikyu Misaki is by bus from Muroran Station. There is also parking available for those who prefer to drive. Nearby, there are cafes and souvenir shops to enjoy the tourism experience.

The best times to visit Chikyu Misaki are early morning when the sun rises or during sunset. Since you can enjoy the scenery in each season, visiting from spring to autumn is recommended. Especially, the contrast between the summer sky and the sea is worth seeing.

Activities at Chikyu Misaki

At Chikyu Misaki, you can enjoy photography and walking. Walking along the nature trails in the area allows for discovering even more scenic points. It is a perfect spot for families and couples.

Visitor Reviews and Word of Mouth

Many visitors say that "the scenery of Chikyu Misaki becomes a memory of a lifetime." The harmony of the wind and the sound of the waves is particularly appreciated for its relaxing effect. Planning your visit based on reviews can be a good idea.

Precautions When Visiting Chikyu Misaki

Since Chikyu Misaki often has strong winds, it is important to take wind protection measures. Also, some areas are slippery, so wearing comfortable shoes for walking safely is advised.


Chikyu Misaki in Muroran is not only a place to enjoy magnificent views but also to feel the energy of a power spot. Visiting this place, where history and nature blend, awaits new discoveries and emotions. Please consider adding Chikyu Misaki to your next travel destination.