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1. 網走監獄とは何か?


2. 歴史的背景とその重要性


3. 網走監獄博物館の見どころ


4. パワースポットとしての魅力


5. 網走監獄での特別な体験


6. アクセスと周辺観光スポット


7. 口コミと訪れた人々の声


8. パワースポットとしての効果的な訪れ方




Attraction of Abashiri Prison: A Spiritual Power Spot in Hokkaido


Abashiri Prison in Hokkaido is known not only as a tourist destination but also as a spiritual power spot. Many people visit it seeking mental and physical refreshment due to its historical background and unique atmosphere. In this article, we will thoroughly introduce the charm of Abashiri Prison and convey its magnificence.

1. What is Abashiri Prison?

Abashiri Prison was established in 1890 as a prison in Hokkaido and is now open to the public as a tourist destination. It is a facility where visitors can experience the harsh living conditions of the prisoners at that time and the internal structure of the prison. Its historical value deeply moves those who visit.

2. Historical Background and Its Importance

Abashiri Prison was established during the Meiji era as part of the development of Hokkaido. Prisoners were forced to undertake harsh labor, greatly contributing to the infrastructure development of Hokkaido. Visitors can learn that their efforts and sacrifices have led to the current development of Hokkaido.

3. Highlights of Abashiri Prison Museum

Abashiri Prison Museum faithfully reproduces the buildings of the prison at that time and the lives of the prisoners. Especially, the exhibits such as dolls reenacting the lives of prisoners and the actual tools used convey the harshness of that time to visitors. Additionally, there are guided tours within the museum where you can listen to detailed explanations.

4. Attraction as a Spiritual Power Spot

Abashiri Prison is also known as a spiritual power spot due to its unique atmosphere and historical background. It is said that visiting can provide mental and physical purification and refreshment. The quiet environment and solemn atmosphere especially provide deep impressions and healing to visitors.

5. Special Experiences at Abashiri Prison

Abashiri Prison offers programs where you can experience tasting prison food and engage in the work done by prisoners at that time. Through these experiences, you can deepen your understanding of the lives of the prisoners. Additionally, the nighttime illumination events are not to be missed.

6. Access and Nearby Tourist Spots

Access to Abashiri Prison is easy by bus or taxi from Abashiri city. There are also beautiful natural landscapes and hot spring areas around, making it an ideal base for sightseeing. Especially, there are many highlights such as the Okhotsk Drift Ice Museum and Lake Abashiri.

7. Reviews and Voices of Visitors

Looking at the reviews from visitors, many voices express being moved by the charm of Abashiri Prison. The historical background, the richness of the exhibits, and the detailed explanations by guides are particularly highly evaluated. Many people feel that it is a place they want to visit again.

8. Effective Ways to Visit as a Spiritual Power Spot

When visiting Abashiri Prison, it is important to spend time quietly. By taking your time to tour the facility while feeling the history, you can maximize the refreshing effect on your mind and body. Additionally, participating in guided tours can provide deeper understanding and emotion.


Abashiri Prison in Hokkaido is a wonderful place that combines historical value and the charm of a spiritual power spot. Visiting it can provide deep impressions and refreshment for the mind and body. Please visit Abashiri Prison once to experience its charm.