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Title: Odori Park: A Power Spot Reflecting the Heart of Sapporo


Located in the heart of Sapporo, Odori Park showcases the beauty of the changing seasons. Let's explore why this place is more than just a park, offering energy and healing to its visitors. We will delve into the secrets of how this park continues to attract and enchant many people.

The Seasons of Odori Park

The greatest charm of Odori Park is undoubtedly its seasonal landscapes. In spring, the cherry blossoms reach full bloom, covering the park in pink petals. Summer brings lush green trees that provide pleasant shade, while autumn transforms the park into a carpet of red, yellow, and orange with its fall foliage. Winter covers the park in white snow, illuminated by a festival of lights. Thus, Odori Park presents a variety of faces throughout the year, always offering fresh surprises to its visitors.

Events and Culture

Odori Park is also known as a hub of events and culture. In summer, a beer garden opens, bustling with many people. The Snow Festival attracts tourists from both Japan and abroad, who enjoy the art of snow and ice. The park symbolizes Sapporo's culture and vibrancy, hosting various events throughout the year and providing fun memories for its visitors.

A Place of Healing

Odori Park serves as a peaceful sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Lush trees, beautiful flowers, and quiet ponds calm the mind and offer a release from the stress of daily life. Sitting on a bench reading a book or enjoying a walk can refresh both body and mind. Odori Park is a precious space for healing in urban life, surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of nature.


Odori Park continues to be loved by many for its seasonal beauty, rich culture and events, and as a place of healing within the city. The natural beauty and tranquility it offers provide new energy and enrich the hearts of its visitors. When visiting Sapporo, be sure to visit Odori Park and see its charms for yourself. It is sure to become an unforgettable place for you.