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Title: Furano's Lavender Fields: A Healing Power Spot


The lavender fields of Furano, Hokkaido, continue to captivate tourists from both Japan and abroad. The magnificent sea of purple lavender grown in this region offers a unique healing and emotional experience to its visitors. In this article, we will explore the allure of Furano's lavender fields and their value as a power spot.

The Charm of Lavender Fields

The greatest charm of Furano's lavender fields lies in their vast landscape. During the summer season, an endless carpet of purple unfolds before your eyes. This beautiful scene provides visitors with a sense of calmness, allowing them to spend peaceful moments away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Experiences in the Lavender Fields

In Furano, visitors can enjoy more than just viewing the lavender fields. They can also participate in lavender picking, and create products made from lavender. Additionally, walking through the fields surrounded by the scent of lavender offers the ultimate refreshment for both mind and body.

Best Time to Visit the Lavender Fields

The best time to visit Furano's lavender fields is from mid-July to early August. Visiting during this period allows you to see the lavender flowers in their most beautiful state. Also, early mornings and evenings are particularly recommended as the fields become even more enchanting under the changing light.


Furano's lavender fields enchant many with their beauty and healing powers. Anyone visiting this place will be captivated by the charm of lavender. If you wish to refresh your mind amidst the beauty and tranquility of nature, do not hesitate to visit Furano's lavender fields.