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北海道には数多くの登山スポットがありますが、特におすすめなのは以下の3つです。 大雪山: 北海道最高峰の山で、四季折々の風景が楽しめます。特に紅葉の季節は絶景です。 利尻山: 海に浮かぶ孤島の山で、登頂すると絶景のパノラマが広がります。 知床連山: 世界自然遺産に登録されているエリアで、豊かな自然と野生動物に出会えるチャンスがあります。 各スポットには初心者向けから上級者向けまで様々なルートが用意されており、自分のレベルに合った登山を楽しむことができます。


登山の後は、近隣の温泉で疲れを癒すのがおすすめです。北海道は温泉地が豊富で、以下の温泉地が特に人気です。 層雲峡温泉: 大雪山の麓に位置し、登山の後に立ち寄るのに最適です。 登別温泉: 硫黄の香りが漂う温泉地で、疲れた体をリフレッシュできます。 洞爺湖温泉: 美しい湖を眺めながら温泉に浸かれる贅沢なスポットです。


登山だけでなく、近隣のプレイスポットも楽しむことで、北海道の旅行をより充実させることができます。例えば、以下のような場所があります。 旭山動物園: 大雪山の近くにあり、動物たちの自然な姿を観察できます。 ニセコエリア: スキーやラフティングなど、アウトドアアクティビティが豊富です。 富良野: ラベンダー畑が広がる美しい場所で、夏には花の香りを楽しめます。


北海道の広大な自然を楽しむためには、ドライブもおすすめです。以下のプランを参考にしてみてください。 大雪山ドライブコース: 旭川から大雪山までの道中には、美しい風景や温泉地があります。 知床半島ドライブコース: 網走から知床半島を巡るルートで、野生動物に出会えることも。 道東ドライブコース: 釧路湿原から阿寒湖摩周湖を巡るルートで、自然の豊かさを実感できます。




北海道の登山スポットは全道に点在しており、主要な山々は以下の地域に位置しています。 大雪山: 北海道中央部、上川地方 利尻山: 北海道北部、利尻島 知床連山: 北海道東部、知床半島


登山後に立ち寄ることができる温泉地は以下の通りです。 層雲峡温泉: 大雪山の登山後に最適 登別温泉: 北海道南部、登別市 洞爺湖温泉: 北海道南西部、洞爺湖町


登山以外の楽しみ方として、以下のプレイスポットがおすすめです。 旭山動物園: 旭川市 ニセコエリア: 倶知安町 富良野: 富良野市


北海道の自然を満喫するためのドライブプランは以下の通りです。 大雪山ドライブコース: 旭川大雪山 知床半島ドライブコース: 網走〜知床半島 道東ドライブコース: 釧路湿原〜阿寒湖〜摩周湖


Hokkaido is located at the northern tip of Japan, known for its beautiful natural environment and rich ecosystem. Mountain climbing, in particular, is a popular activity that allows you to enjoy the scenery of each season. In this article, we will introduce the charm of mountain climbing in Hokkaido, specific spots, recommended climbing routes, and nearby hot springs and play spots. After reading this, you will surely want to challenge the mountains of Hokkaido.

The Charm of Mountain Climbing in Hokkaido

The charm of mountain climbing in Hokkaido lies in its diverse natural environment and the scenery of each season. In spring, the cherry blossoms and fresh greenery are beautiful, while in summer, alpine plants bloom wildly. Autumn colors the mountains with leaves, and winter brings a landscape of snow. Moreover, the mountains in Hokkaido are relatively easy to climb, offering courses that can be enjoyed from beginners to veterans. This allows everyone to enjoy climbing at their own pace.

There are many climbing spots in Hokkaido, but the following three are particularly recommended. Daisetsuzan: The highest peak in Hokkaido, where you can enjoy the scenery of each season. The autumn leaves season, in particular, offers a spectacular view. Rishiri Mountain: A solitary island mountain in the sea, offering a panoramic view when you reach the summit. Shiretoko Range: An area registered as a World Natural Heritage site, where you can encounter rich nature and wildlife. Each spot offers various routes from beginner to advanced levels, allowing you to enjoy climbing that suits your level.

Relax in Hot Springs After Climbing

After climbing, it is recommended to soothe your fatigue at nearby hot springs. Hokkaido is rich in hot spring resorts, and the following are particularly popular. Sounkyo Onsen: Located at the foot of Daisetsuzan, it is perfect for visiting after climbing. Noboribetsu Onsen: A hot spring resort with the scent of sulfur, where you can refresh your tired body. Toyako Onsen: A luxurious spot where you can soak in the hot springs while viewing the beautiful lake.

Enjoy Nearby Play Spots

Not only mountain climbing, but you can also make your trip to Hokkaido more fulfilling by enjoying nearby play spots. For example, there are places like: Asahiyama Zoo: Located near Daisetsuzan, where you can observe the natural behavior of animals. Niseko Area: Rich in outdoor activities such as skiing and rafting. Furano: A beautiful place with lavender fields, where you can enjoy the fragrance of flowers in summer.

Driving is also recommended to enjoy the vast nature of Hokkaido. Please consider the following plan. Daisetsuzan Drive Course: The route from Asahikawa to Daisetsuzan offers beautiful scenery and hot spring resorts. Shiretoko Peninsula Drive Course: A route from Abashiri around the Shiretoko Peninsula, where you can encounter wildlife. Eastern Hokkaido Drive Course: A route from Kushiro Wetlands to Lake Akan and Lake Mashu, where you can feel the richness of nature.


The mountain climbing in Hokkaido is attractive for its diverse natural environment and scenery of each season. There are plentiful courses that can be enjoyed by beginners to veterans, and after climbing, you can relax in hot springs. Furthermore, by incorporating nearby play spots and drive plans, you can make your trip to Hokkaido more fulfilling. Please try challenging the mountains of Hokkaido once.


Climbing spots in Hokkaido are scattered throughout the region, and the main mountains are located in the following areas. Daisetsuzan: Central Hokkaido, Kamikawa region Rishiri Mountain: Northern Hokkaido, Rishiri Island Shiretoko Range: Eastern Hokkaido, Shiretoko Peninsula

Nearby Hot Spring Resorts

The following hot spring resorts are available for a visit after climbing. Sounkyo Onsen: Ideal after climbing Daisetsuzan Noboribetsu Onsen: Southern Hokkaido, Noboribetsu City Toyako Onsen: Southwestern Hokkaido, Toyako Town

Nearby Play Spots

As another way to enjoy, the following play spots are recommended. Asahiyama Zoo: Asahikawa City Niseko Area: Kutchan Town Furano: Furano City

Drive Plan

The following are drive plans for enjoying the nature of Hokkaido. Daisetsuzan Drive Course: Asahikawa to Daisetsuzan Shiretoko Peninsula Drive Course: Abashiri to Shiretoko Peninsula Eastern Hokkaido Drive Course: Kushiro Wetlands to Lake Akan to Lake Mashu